Key Functions

GenieWorx EAM-CMMS is a world-class enterprise asset management and maintenance system. Covering a wide range of organization size from medium to enterprises.

The ultimate tool that empowers you to improve physical asset management, increasing reliability of assets, enhancing maintenance process for optimum productivity, and lowering the total cost of maintenance.




Get solutions that are as easy to use, attractive, and inspiring with intuitive user experience

Scalable Solution

No matter how big or small, we offer flexible solutions that will grow with your business.

100% web based

Let your users access the information using their preferred devices. That adds to the competitive advantage you hold over other others.

360o Outlook

Increase Visibility and Transparency of information
Overall assets and status,
Activities, KPIs and metrics.


Get a consolidated view of your All assets, vendors, and maximize your Contracts negotiations.


A parameter-driven solutions allow the user to specify specific operations, allowing the outcome to be customizable.

Multi-Sites Management

Enterprise grade solution for multi-sites and multi locations that help you consolidate and sync your information easily.

Multi – languages

The software supports multiple languages as contents as well as the interface. This is helpful to bridge different users.


Our solutions combine decades of practical application with the latest innovations to give you a proven, effective, solution.

Flexible Deployment

With a complete range of deployment options, including cloud, on-premise, and hybrid configurations, we offer rapid implementation to get your solutions up and running fast.

Comprehensive Security

We understands your needs to functional and technical capabilities as well as certain levels of security and compliance unmatched by its peers


Anytime anywhere Accessibility to your valuable information
Instant updates,
Notification System,
Access-Rights policies.


Enterprise-wide standardization,
QR / Barcode – for Operations.

Workflow Management

Automated and optimized business processes, web-based technology. Set your own, and don’t twist it to satisfy the software.

Multi-Workshops Management

Manage your different workshop either collocated with different functions, or different locations.

Need to know more

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